Awakening to Your Inner Self

Coaching Program
using the

Embody Your Power Methodology

I was very lost in my life. I wanted something different.

I didn’t like who I was, I didn’t like my life.

I was overwhelmed with feeling

unhappy, depressed, and angry.

I felt powerless and wanted change!!!

Click the button below if this sounds like you.

I was 40 years old and

very lost in my life.

I wanted something different.

I didn’t like who I was, I didn’t like my life.

I was overwhelmed with feeling

unhappy, depressed, and angry.

I felt powerless and wanted change


I got divorced after 18 years of marriage and started

my journey of awakening myself.

I didn’t know who I authentically was.

I was everything that everyone else wanted me to be.

I was what my mother, my father, my sister/brother,

teachers, friends wanted me to be.

I wanted to please others, to be liked and to fit in.

As a child, I didn’t fit in.

I knew I was different from others but I didn’t know why.

I became what others told me to be.

Do you resonate with this?

We are so excited to introduce our

3 month coaching program!!


It takes deep courage to re invent yourself.

Self-actualizing means:

💡You are making a decision to move forward

💡To be yourself

💡To be FREE of your past!

This requires…·      


💡Becoming aware of your unconscious and subconscious belief patterns   

💡Understanding your own individual psyche
💡Integrating all aspects of yourself (the dark and the light)    
💡Changing your lower vibration to a higher vibration

💡Visualizing who you are and what you want as your future self


Awakening to Your Inner Self

Coaching Program includes:

Awakening to Your Inner Self Coaching Program

🌠Zoom calls Tuesday at 8PM EST

🌠Monthly New Moon and Full Moon

"Superconscious Elevating Awareness" Guided Meditations to assist in decoding & recoding

🌠EFT Tapping Video Series to assist in embodying your desires

🌠Quantum Timeline Healing

🌠Private support group

🌠Personalized topics to help you align your life

🌠Access to 2 coaches with combined 45 years of coaching experience

🌠Judgement free space

🌠Session are recorded; Replay is available

If you keep doing the same thing over and over again....

you get the same results!!

With intentionality and consistency,

you will use the power of your mind to reshape the way you are creating your reality.



Take advantage of this life changing experience

Your power is in being different.

Your power is in the unique energy signature you brought into this world to help build a new construct.

This energy signature fizzles out when you don't stand up for who you are and who you came here to be.

YOU FIZZLE OUT when you refuse to stand in your power and use your uniqueness you brought to the earth.

I’m Mary Ann Brown,

the master of guiding you to your greatest self-expression and creator of the Superconscious Elevating Awareness Process.

As a holistic mind-body health specialist,

I have been on the cutting edge of creating

physical, spiritual and emotional transformation through life experience and certifications for over 30 years.

I know what it is like to be stuck, loaded with toxic negative beliefs that create painful physical conditions.

It took me over half my lifetime to break through painful

physical and emotional limitations to create the joy and

freedom to be my authentic self.

I now know how the mind, body, and spirit

work in alignment to be the catalyst of freedom,

self-empowerment, confidence, inner joy and peace.

I’m not just a coach.

I’m the master of rewiring subconscious beliefs bringing into fruition physical, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing.

I’m an intuitive, energetic healer,

holistic health specialist, certified body process facilitator,

mental fitness coach, certified personal trainer,

certified Pilates instructor and PTA.

What makes me happy?

Rewiring subconscious beliefs!!

AND music festivals, hiking, biking, gardening,

playing in nature, spending time with my dogs and boyfriend.

I offer a safe, nonjudgmental space for

transformation to occur and now we have connected

for you to know there is an easier way to live life.

Quita Rose-Corrao

Masters in Counseling, Certified Depth Coach, Certified Reiki Master

& Aromatherapist

Member of the International Alliance of Aromatherapist

Founding Member of CONSURGO; a Personal Development platform

Guest speaker at The Waterfront Botanical Gardens on Aromatherapy for Women

Author of the Emotional Literacy with Art workshop for Youth

Quita is an intuitive Energy Healer and Transformative Depth Coach using art-making and Jungian Psychology.

She is passionate about helping women and children who have experienced drama and trauma in their lives.

Quita has her training in Educational Counseling and is a

Certified Depth Coach who uses Narrative therapy, Art therapy, Aromatherapy

and Energy Healing to guide and coach people to a place of wholeness.

She is an artist and an educator who has worked with

women and children for 15 years.

Her passion is helping women who have experienced trauma and drama and

repeating negative life patterns through a

transformative process called “Journey CirclesTM”.

It is an experiential and spiritual process of depth work that helps facilitate awareness and transformation in one’s life.

Quita also supports people in energy work, channeling Divine Force Energy,

for mind-body healing;

is a Master Reiki teacher who teaches Reiki (energy alignment and healing)

for those who want to empower themselves.

As an Aromatherapist, her journey in the study of flower and plant essences started over 30 years ago with the former Horst Rechelbacher and the Aveda Corporation.

She traveled and taught top beauty industry owners how to use essential oils in haircare and skincare back in the 90’s before it became popular.

She has knowledge of Bach Flower Essences and their gentle therapies to

support emotional healing (ADD, ADHD, and PTSD) with any other therapy.

The focus of this work is to help her clients remove limiting belief systems,

lack mentality, fear and anxiety.

Quita’s mission is to help people Dismantle Resistance,

Live Beyond Fear, and move into a place of Emotional Empowerment.

Quita also enjoys

Hiking, biking, gardening, reading historical fiction, and creating art.